At Smart Schools, we recognize that there is a lot that goes into earning your high school diploma. If it was as simple as showing up to school and completing the work, everyone would have their high school diploma. And yet, every year, more than 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States. Most often, this is because students lack the support - familial, financial, or academic - to make their way across that graduation stage.
“...Every year, more than 1.2 million students drop out of high school in the United States.”
This is why we encourage all Smart Schools students who qualify to apply for and participate in Workforce. Workforce is a social program that is intended to provide the support you need to graduate high school and find success in your endeavors after graduation. While this program does not exist internationally and may vary from U.S. state to state, there are frequently social supports available to help eligible students.
To Qualify
Within Arizona, students ages 16-24 can receive assistance in completing their high school diploma, while also receiving other occupational supports and training. Workforce can help students access paid work experience internships, a great way to get your foot in the door. Workforce can also help students receive employment services, assistance with transportation, basic needs, and post-secondary tuition - completely free of charge.
In Arizona, the program lasts two years and provides personalized support during that time, as well as an additional year of follow-up support. Each student receives a case manager who helps them create a College and Career Blueprint, which will ensure that students are taking the appropriate classes and steps to reach their dreams.
If you are not located in Arizona but are still in a US state, your state may have a similar program. We would suggest that you google your state’s name and “Workforce” to find out what supports may be available to you locally and the requirements involved. Oftentimes, there are many different supports available that go unused because students are not aware of them.
Accepting Help
Accepting help, especially from a social service, can be a challenge. Our society tends to look down on people who seek assistance, as there is a social stigma against “handouts.” But at the same time, we hold no such stigma against people getting a loan in order to buy a house. Children of wealthy parents have no shame about having their parents pay for their college tuition. And companies and non-profits regularly ask for donations without being looked down upon.
This is no different. Many of us were not born with wealthy parents who could provide our every need and want, and there is no shame in that. These social programs help to level the playing field and ensure that all students have a shot at succeeding.
Enrolling in Workforce
Enrolling in Workforce in the state of Arizona is something you can do online or in-person at The HUB, our central Phoenix location. If you live outside the state of Arizona, your state will likely have enrollment processes that are accessible online, as well, but your Smart Schools mentor is available to help you navigate the process if it is too complicated for you to do alone.
Don’t miss out on the supports available to help you succeed! Take advantage of programs that will help you get closer to your goals.