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Workforce: Supporting Arizona-based Smart Schools Students

Getting your high school diploma is hard, but it shouldn’t be impossible. Workforce is one way to make the impossible feel more possible—with financial support, job training and resources, childcare help, and more. Read on to find out how Workforce helped one Smart Schools student gain the support she needed to graduate with her high school diploma.

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Evelyn was enrolled in Smart Schools and earned her high school diploma through a lot of hard work and a little support from Workforce. As a young mom, Evelyn decided to start coming to The HUB every day so that she had a safe place to bring her kids while she studied. She attended one of the Workforce enrollment events at The HUB with Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC) where she was able to complete the entire enrollment process and began working with a case manager the following week. Quickly, she was able to begin receiving support services.

One of the services she received was tuition support. She paid her Smart Schools tuition through the program. She received monthly gas cards to help her travel back and forth to The HUB to work on her classes. After Evelyn was in a car accident, the Workforce program was able to help her with rent so she could focus her income on fixing her car.

Since graduating, Evelyn has enrolled in a Medical Assistant program that works with CPLC and provides scholarships to their participants. The total cost for the course will be $3,500 and CPLC will cover $3,000—Evelyn will only end up owing $500! Workforce is also assisting with childcare so she can attend her classes.

Workforce & Work Experience (WEX)

Workforce Solutions is a state-funded government program designed for young adults between the ages of 16 and 24 to help them overcome barriers that may be preventing them from finishing high school or pursuing higher education. Qualifying students receive assistance completing their high school diploma, occupational skills training, & paid work experience internships (WEX). In addition, enrolled students can be eligible for employment and support services like transportation assistance, basic needs assistance, and post-secondary tuition assistance. Participants are eligible for the program for a period of two years during which they will receive full services and personalized support from a case manager. Upon completion, students are provided one additional year of follow-up to help ensure they are staying on track.


Participants sit side-by-side with their case managers to create their College & Career Blueprint, so they can figure out what steps they need to take in order to reach their career goal. Case managers provide a skills-based assessment and line up free training in a variety of areas to help students gain employability skills. Resume building, mock interviews, and retail training are typical skills that students learn. Hands-on training sometimes includes internships or work experience (WEX). Participants receive job skills training with the opportunity to be assigned to a location that fits their interest area and abilities. A WEX will range anywhere from 200 to 600 paid hours depending on what each individual qualifies for. This is an amazing way for participants to learn about job opportunities and explore their interests in certain career fields.

How can I get enrolled?

We think that Workforce is such an amazing program that we’ve worked hard to make it accessible and easy to get enrolled. We’ve worked to build a strong partnership between Grad Solutions, Smart Schools, The HUB, and Workforce representatives at Chicanos Por La Causa (CPLC). The easiest way for you to get started is to visit us at The HUB during any of our business hours and we can get you started on the enrollment process. However, we also recognize that our Arizona-based Smart Schools students are also located all over the state. If you can’t make it to our central Phoenix location, please let your mentor know you are interested in learning more.

Balancing high school, work, career plans, family, and various other responsibilities is hard work. The good news is that there are many resources available to help you navigate all of the challenges. Workforce & WEX provide some incredible tools that can give you a huge jump start when it comes to finishing school and taking steps toward a career. Don’t miss out on these types of opportunities, they really can make a big difference!