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Setting Up a Space for Online Learning

Whether you’re new to online learning, or you’ve been at it for ages, your learning space is an important component of your success as an online learner. Set yourself up for success by creating a peaceful space that helps you perform your best. Although some of your set-up will ultimately come down to personal preference, there are some universal keys to success.

Tips for Setting up Your Space

Dedicate a Spot for Studying

It can be nice to mix things up once in awhile, but it’s important to have a home-base to return to. If you’re constantly fighting for a clear space on the counter, this will be one more hurdle keeping you from your studies.

Take Advantage of Natural Light

If possible, study near a source of natural light. This kind of lighting is more likely to keep you awake and focused.

Stay Organized

Keep your study space organized, but also keep yourself organized internally, as well. Write down your to-do’s and keep a schedule of deadlines.

Break the Silence

While you may not want to study alongside the TV or other distractions, some ambient music has been shown to improve focus for some people. Try it out and see if you remember more and perform better on your tests!

Get a Study Buddy

Part of what made school more bearable was the social piece of it. With online school, you might miss that social break. Having a study buddy, even if it’s a pet or a plant, can make your space more welcoming.

Trick it Out

If you can, get yourself a comfortable chair and desk to study at. While this isn’t possible for everyone’s living situation, make sure your study posture won’t send you to the chiropractor!

A study space won’t be the difference between you graduating or not. If you want to graduate, you will make it happen, study space or not. But it’s always important to start a task with the right tools, and your study space is one of those important tools.