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So You've Enrolled with Smart Schools - Now What?

Enrolling with Smart Schools is a great decision if you need flexibility. As a student at Smart Schools, you can continue your high school education online and at your own pace, and our mentors and instructors are here to help keep you on track. But there are a few steps between applying and graduating. We are here to help you figure out what those steps are and ensure you feel supported as you go through the enrollment process.

All students have to start by filling out the enrollment form and paying their first month’s tuition or applying for financing. We intentionally keep tuition low and affordable so all students have the opportunity to graduate with their high school diplomas.

Once you’ve filled out your enrollment application, you will receive a call from a Smart Schools academic advisor. If you have completed your application during normal business hours (Monday - Friday, 8 AM - 5 PM Mountain Standard Time), you will receive a call within the hour. This call will help Smart Schools staff to identify what additional paperwork is needed to process your enrollment, and will help prospective students to understand how Smart Schools works and what their responsibility will be.

Once your paperwork is in order, you will be enrolled in your first class. This means you will be given login information to access the learning portal and you will have access to lessons. These lessons can be completed when it makes sense in your schedule. There are no required times you must log in, no sessions you are required to attend at a specific time.

For example, if you work a typical 9-5 job, it may make sense for you to carve out an hour at the beginning or end of your day to complete lessons and activities online. If you have kids, however, this might not be realistic. It might make more sense for you to complete lessons in the hours after your kids’ bed time. Regardless, figuring out a schedule that works for you is essential to finding success while learning online.

We’ve created blogs that address managing your time and setting up your learning space, so definitely invest some time and energy in setting yourself up for success. Our academic advisors suggest setting a goal to complete at least one class a month. This will ensure you are continuing to move toward graduation.

Great job making the first step toward earning your high school diploma! We are here to help!

Smart Schools helps adults 22 and over earn their high school diploma. The affordable program offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing you to pursue education from any location. Connect with us today at (844) 467-5278 to start your journey!