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Workforce & WEX

We have previously covered the benefits of Arizona’ Workforce program for students who live in the state, and the options for students who live out of state, as well. Read more about the options available to you and how to find them in our previous blog post. There are many options out there to help students find academic and career success—you just need to reach out and find them.

Smart Schools has multiple current and former students who have done just that. These students have enrolled with Workforce through one of our many community partners, received a case manager who has helped them develop a College & Career Blueprint, and gained access to Workforce Experience placement (WEX) that connected them to paid internships and job training.

As they have developed their experience and knowledge, they have not only become better job candidates, but they have moved forward in their schooling exponentially faster as well.

By pairing WEX’s job placement with Smart School’s CREW (a program that allows students to earn elective credit while working, volunteering, or completing other activities), they are earning credits toward their high school diplomas, earning money to support their families, and gaining valuable experience, all at the same time. Many of our students are able to use this experience to get their “foot in the door” at the companies where they complete their internship, or begin a career in a new field, as a result.

Meet Evelyn

Evelyn was a Smart Schools student who was working hard to earn her high school diploma. As a young mom, Evelyn decided to start coming to The HUB every day so that she had a safe place to bring her kids while she studied. She attended one of the Workforce enrollment events at The HUB with Chicanos por la Causa (CPLC) where she was able to complete the entire enrollment process and was passed to a case manager the following week.

Quickly, she was able to begin receiving support services. She was able to get her Smart Schools tuition paid through the program. She started receiving monthly gas cards to help her travel back and forth to The HUB to work on her classes. After Evelyn was in a car accident, the Workforce program was able to help her with rent so she could focus her income on fixing her car.

Since graduating, Evelyn has enrolled in a Medical Assistant program that works with CPLC and provides scholarships to their participants. The total cost for the course will be $3500 and CPLC will cover $3000. Evelyn will only end up owing $500. Workforce is also assisting with childcare so she can attend her classes until she is able to cover the childcare expenses herself once she is working in the field.

By taking advantage of this program, Evelyn is not only changing the course of her life, but she is providing the foundation for her young children, as well. Workforce allows students who are in a tough spot, or who lack the resources and support they need to get enough breathing room to make decisions for their futures. Don’t let a temporary situation, or even temporary hopelessness, to define you. Seek out support and find success!

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Have questions about WEX or CREW?