Julia is an 18-year-old who recently graduated from high school. She looks forward to entering a new life phase and everything that comes with it, but her story could have gone in a different direction. Read about how the credit recovery option from Smart Schools allowed her to graduate with her class.
From Lost to Found: Defying the Odds to Earn a High School Diploma
Ten Years Later: How One Mother Achieves Her Dream of a High School Diploma
A Life of Abuse and Violence Turns into Purpose and Hope for the Future
Overcoming Childhood Turbulence and ADHD to a Future as an Electrician
David is a Smart Schools graduate who has a tumultuous childhood. He was raised by a single-mother who fought tirelessly to provide a safe and nurturing environment but a ADHD diagnosis added another layer of complexity. His story shows how a man with many challenges can finish high school and start a new career, well into adulthood.
From Independence to Achievement: Morgan's Inspiring Graduation Story
Money vs. School: Making the Hard Decision
How a High School Diploma Helped One Man Discover a More Honest Future
A Refugee Story and 2022 Sets a Mournful Record
Music —An Inspiration to Keep Moving Forward
Workforce & WEX
We have previously covered the benefits of Arizona’ Workforce program for students who live in the state, and the options for students who live out of state, as well. Read more about the options available to you and how to find them in our previous blog post. There are many options out there to help students find academic and career success—you just need to reach out and find them.
Smart Schools has multiple current and former students who have done just that. These students have enrolled with Workforce through one of our many community partners, received a case manager who has helped them develop a College & Career Blueprint, and gained access to Workforce Experience placement (WEX) that connected them to paid internships and job training.
As they have developed their experience and knowledge, they have not only become better job candidates, but they have moved forward in their schooling exponentially faster as well.
By pairing WEX’s job placement with Smart School’s CREW (a program that allows students to earn elective credit while working, volunteering, or completing other activities), they are earning credits toward their high school diplomas, earning money to support their families, and gaining valuable experience, all at the same time. Many of our students are able to use this experience to get their “foot in the door” at the companies where they complete their internship, or begin a career in a new field, as a result.
Meet Evelyn
Evelyn was a Smart Schools student who was working hard to earn her high school diploma. As a young mom, Evelyn decided to start coming to The HUB every day so that she had a safe place to bring her kids while she studied. She attended one of the Workforce enrollment events at The HUB with Chicanos por la Causa (CPLC) where she was able to complete the entire enrollment process and was passed to a case manager the following week.
Quickly, she was able to begin receiving support services. She was able to get her Smart Schools tuition paid through the program. She started receiving monthly gas cards to help her travel back and forth to The HUB to work on her classes. After Evelyn was in a car accident, the Workforce program was able to help her with rent so she could focus her income on fixing her car.
Since graduating, Evelyn has enrolled in a Medical Assistant program that works with CPLC and provides scholarships to their participants. The total cost for the course will be $3500 and CPLC will cover $3000. Evelyn will only end up owing $500. Workforce is also assisting with childcare so she can attend her classes until she is able to cover the childcare expenses herself once she is working in the field.
By taking advantage of this program, Evelyn is not only changing the course of her life, but she is providing the foundation for her young children, as well. Workforce allows students who are in a tough spot, or who lack the resources and support they need to get enough breathing room to make decisions for their futures. Don’t let a temporary situation, or even temporary hopelessness, to define you. Seek out support and find success!
Smart Schools helps adults 22 and over earn their high school diploma. The affordable program offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing you to pursue education from any location. Connect with us today at (844) 467-5278 to start your journey!
Caroline: A High School Success Story
Caroline Cook left school, but knew it was time to return when a friend told her of her success with online learning. She started earning her high school diploma online with Grad Solutions, a sister organization of Smart Schools, when she was 19 years old, and only had a few credits left. Little did she know that this one decision would change the trajectory of her life for years to come.
Once she started her educational journey, she was excited, yet nervous. But why? Because she knew this was a step in the right direction, a step closer to her success. But if she was being perfectly honest, she wanted to blow through her courses. What 19-year-old isn’t looking for a way to achieve their goals faster?
When it required some elbow grease, she procrastinated on her work and put things off. Due to her lack of discipline and motivation, it took her a lot longer to graduate, but nonetheless, she persisted.
Caroline graduated in March of 2021 and walked in graduation in July. She spoke at one of the ceremonies and sang the national anthem. Like most graduates who return to school after adolescence, Caroline has the drive and determination to make an impact. At Smart Schools and Grad Solutions, we recognize that.
“Remember, the only limitations are the ones you place on yourself.”
Right after the ceremony ended, Jim, our CEO, and ended up offering Caroline a job, knowing that she could have an even greater impact on other students like her. Caroline says:
I have noticed everyone working for this company all share one thing—they all want to see you succeed.
Success as an online student is not far off! We are not here for stats or to look good. We are here because we want to give you the opportunity to succeed. Everyone is capable of success in any aspect of their life. We are just providing you with the tools to reach it.
If you’re taking your first steps into earning your high school diploma online, I know it seems like a lot, and it’s overwhelming, especially at first. I can promise you it is worth every minute of hard work.
Earning your high school diploma online is possible, regardless of your age. Remember, the only limitations are the ones you place on yourself. If it’s time for you to enroll in high school, Smart Schools is here to help.
Earning Your High School Diploma Abroad
Most people don’t know how difficult it can be to relocate to a new country, to have to make new friends and learn new customs. Even fewer have had to do it twice. Genesis and Melissa Ortiz-Huerta were born in Venezuela. They spent their early years there before political unrest forced them to flee. At only 6 and 7, respectively, Melissa and Genesis left behind everything they knew and moved to Colombia with their parents. Only a few short years later, they packed up everything they knew and moved once again, this time to Panama.