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A Life of Abuse and Violence Turns into Purpose and Hope for the Future 

Harold is a Smart Schools student working toward finishing his high school diploma. His story stands out not because of its storybook ending but because of what he has overcome to get to where he is today. His story is about overcoming immense physical and emotional challenges to become a guide and positive influence for others who struggle with addiction.  

A Painful Start to Life  

As a child, Harold was often hit by his father. He ended up flying across the room a few times. His ear was hit so often that he is losing hearing in one ear. The pain he experienced physically built over time and turned into emotional pain. This pain became uncontrollable anger. He expressed it in the only way he knew how —outbursts of anger and physical violence.   


Harold’s physical ailments were compounded by the internal battles he faced daily. “I am my worst enemy and my worst critic,” he often reflects, acknowledging the mental struggles that accompany addiction recovery. He speaks of how “the devil will try to keep you from progressing every day,” a sentiment many recovering addicts resonate with. The journey to sobriety is as much about overcoming internal demons as it is about external challenges.  


The Struggles and Physical Challenges  

Harold’s journey was anything but easy. Suffering from a herniated disc, arthritis spanning from L4 to T9, hearing loss, and improperly healed ribs, Harold faces significant daily physical challenges. These health issues make it impossible for him to sit through classes or maintain focus for extended periods. Yet, despite these obstacles, Harold’s spirit remains unbroken.  


The Catalyst for Change  

Harold’s path to sobriety began on February 9, 2020. However, this date marks not just the start of his sobriety, but a prime moment of transformation fueled by immense personal loss. After finding his father deceased and experiencing the subsequent deaths of his grandmother and mother, Harold was engulfed by grief. He struggled to cope with these emotions and resorted to physical altercations as an expression of his feelings.   


Amid this turmoil, a simple yet significant intervention occurred. A computer provided by Smart Schools stopped Harold from a potentially violent outburst, redirecting his path toward a more positive direction. This moment was a turning point, highlighting the power of small interventions in changing the course of one’s life.  


Trinity Care became a source of hope and support throughout Harold’s journey. This organization provided the crucial assistance he needed to navigate his recovery and rebuild his life. With their help, Harold found the resources and emotional and moral support necessary to stay on the path of sobriety.  


Finding Purpose and Helping Others  

One of Harold’s most profound realizations is his belief that “once you change your perspective, you can focus on what’s important and not the little things that distract you.” This shift in mindset has allowed him to see beyond his immediate struggles and recognize a greater purpose—to help other recovering addicts understand they have a purpose, too.  


Harold emphasizes the importance of addressing one’s past to move forward, stating, “You have to take care of your past before you can move to the future.” This philosophy guided his recovery and now serves as a foundation for his mission to support others.  


Today, Harold leads a home with eight other individuals, six of whom are students with Smart Schools, who accompany him on this journey. His leadership is not just about providing a roof over their heads but about mentoring and guiding them through the complexities of recovery.  


A Future Vision  

Looking ahead, Harold aspires to run a company dedicated to helping other addicts. His vision is rooted in his experiences and the profound understanding that recovery is possible, but it requires support, compassion, and unwavering belief in one’s worth.  


Harold is acutely aware of the fragility of his sobriety. He understands that relapse is a constant threat. It would mean a return to life on the streets and a high potential for death. This stark reality fuels his determination to stay sober and to support others. In this, he finds purpose and strength in his frailty.   


Harold’s story shows the importance of support systems, love, and faith’s transformative power. Today, he shares his story with those who are willing to listen. His message and source of hope are available to anyone willing to accept it. For those in doubt, Harold’s life proves that there’s always hope. 

Smart Schools helps adults 22 and over earn their high school diploma. The affordable program offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing you to pursue education from any location. Connect with us today at (844) 467-5278 to start your journey!