It’s not uncommon for high school students to go to work so they can earn money. Many families rely on the support of all working-age members to survive. At Smart Schools, we often come across adults who dropped out high school to work full-time so they could start earning money on their own. Later on, however, many adults realize their job limitations when they don’t have a high school diploma.
It’s a realization shared by many students. Unfortunately, many of those students end up out of school, permanently.
Mickey is a native of California but moved to Arizona when he was fourteen years old. After moving to Arizona, the education he received wasn’t engaging enough to keep him motivated and he became disinterested in school. As a result, he didn’t do well in high school. Eventually, he dropped out and started working full-time.
Graduation Rates Take a Hit Post-Pandemic
Mickey’s story isn’t rare. In the 2021-2022 school year, there were around 50,750 high school dropouts in Arizona. It’s a growing concern in many states across the US, as the after effects of the pandemic continue to hit. The graduation rate in Arizona has declined by 3.5% since 2019, making Arizona the state most affected by COVID-19 in terms of number of graduating students.
Making an Income vs. School
When Mickey turned fifteen, he started working and liked being able to generate an income. He ended up landscaping for eight years. He saw himself doing landscaping for the rest of his life. He was content where he was and didn’t feel motivated to do anything different. He had gotten a steady job and was earning an income, so he called it good.
Making a Change
It was not until after he broke his foot that he felt the need to go back to school. Then one day, he was lying down and felt that he heard God tell him that he needed to do something more. He decided to go back to school.
Chicanos Por La Causa helped him find Smart Schools. Mickey attended Smart Schools for two years while he finished the requirements to finish high school in Arizona. He worked hard toward his studies and by the summer of 2022, Mickey had earned enough credits to graduate high school.
“If you stick to your goals, you can get somewhere in life”
A “Little” Motivator
Mickey has a five year old son. His son has been one of his biggest motivators. Now that he is a high school graduate, Mickey has gone on to complete commercial driving classes so he can become a truck driver.
He wants his son to know that it’s important to have goals and reach them, graduating from high school can be one of them. “If you stick to your goals, you can get somewhere in life,” he says.
From all of us at Smart Schools, congratulations Mickey!
Smart Schools helps adults 22 and over earn their high school diploma. The affordable program offers unprecedented flexibility, allowing you to pursue education from any location. Connect with us today at (844) 467-5278 to start your journey!
Arizona Department of Education - Accountability & Research Data
Plunging Graduation Rates Signal Long Recovery - EdWeek Article