It’s not unusual to experience difficulty staying optimistic. We can get tempted to stay in bed and hide under a blanket. Thankfully, there are things we can do to help us to build a more positive perspective instead. In this article, we’ll share some of those recommendations that are supported by research.
What Do Adult Online High Schools and Online Schools Have in Common?
Spring Cleaning for Your Mind: Ways to Clear Mental Clutter so You Can Focus
5 Compelling Reasons To Do Spring Cleaning This Year
How to Be Kinder to Yourself
Why taking care of your mental health and wellness increases your chances of school success
HUB Resources Support Students on their Journey to Graduation
What to Expect When You Enroll as a Student at Smart Schools
How a New Wardrobe Can Raise Your Confidence and Improve Your Chances of Success
3 Reasons Why It’s Not Enough to Set Goals and What to Do About It
It’s Okay to Feel Down During the Holidays: 4 Ways to Deal with Loneliness And Depression
Top Considerations When Opening a Bank Account
Find Your Flow and Find a Job You Love
5 Ways to Start Building Your Credit
Building your credit is something you might not have spent much time on. Many of us don’t —until we need to. However, a good credit history will save you tons of money, especially when it comes to buying a house, a car, or other major purchases. In this article, we’ll share what you need to do to build up your credit score.
Life Skills You Need When You’re in Recovery
How “Normal” People Can Make a Difference in the World
What It’s Like to Create a High School Learning Plan as a Smart Schools Student
Smart Schools offers a flexible learning experience that works around the student’s schedule and not the other way around. Online Adult High School, Accredited Diploma Program
Two questions we often get asked at Smart Schools are: Is my previous schoolwork going to count towards my learning at Smart Schools? What am required to learn? In this article, we’ll share detailed answers on these areas!
Win at Online School By Following a Consistent Schedule
When you have a lot going on, it can be hard to set aside time to do school. If this is the case and you’re worried about failing at school because you can’t find enough time for school work, then read this! Here we share some reasons to create a regular routine that incorporates study time into your weekly schedule.