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7 Ways to Stay Optimistic in the Face of Challenges

7 Ways to Stay Optimistic in the Face of Challenges

 It’s not unusual to experience difficulty staying optimistic. We can get tempted to stay in bed and hide under a blanket. Thankfully, there are things we can do to help us to build a more positive perspective instead. In this article, we’ll share some of those recommendations that are supported by research.

How “Normal” People Can Make a Difference in the World

How “Normal” People Can Make a Difference in the World

Not all of us hold positions of power —but we do have the power to make a difference our communities. In fact, we all have the ability to change the world. It starts with “normal” people willing to give something of themselves in pursuit of making the world better.

What It’s Like to Create a High School Learning Plan as a Smart Schools Student

What It’s Like to Create a High School Learning Plan as a Smart Schools Student

Smart Schools offers a flexible learning experience that works around the student’s schedule and not the other way around. Online Adult High School, Accredited Diploma Program

Two questions we often get asked at Smart Schools are: Is my previous schoolwork going to count towards my learning at Smart Schools? What am required to learn? In this article, we’ll share detailed answers on these areas!

Win at Online School By Following a Consistent Schedule 

Win at Online School By Following a Consistent Schedule 

When you have a lot going on, it can be hard to set aside time to do school. If this is the case and you’re worried about failing at school because you can’t find enough time for school work, then read this! Here we share some reasons to create a regular routine that incorporates study time into your weekly schedule.

How a High School Diploma Helped One Man Discover a More Honest Future

How a High School Diploma Helped One Man Discover a More Honest Future

Greg is a high school graduate from the Smart Schools class of 2022. He is a walking success story, having set a goal for himself and finished it. They say that success often isn’t a straight line, like we expect it to be. It was certainly true for Greg.